Category Archives: Adventures In Hacktivism – June 13, 2003

Video and Audio Of Riva Enteen, Program Director, National Lawyers Guild At Friday’s Protest

This footage is from the protest in front of the INS building that took place from noon to 1pm at 444 Washington Street in San Francisco on June 13, 2003.
Speaker: Riva Enteen, Program Director
Organization: National Lawyers Guild
NLG’s Post 911 “Know Your Rights” Website
Riva Enteen in San Francisco (Small – 11 MB)
Audio – Riva Enteen in San Francisco (MP3 – 3 MB)

Riva Enteen, Program Director, National Lawyers Guild

(Excerpt) I remember when the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged the Japanese Internment as one of the most shameful moments in history…
But today, as we stand here, were looking at people who voluntarily went in to special register, and now 13,000 of them are facing deportation…
Patriot II says even U.S. born citizens can be deported. We shall not let this entire constitutional framework of this country be torn up before our eyes!
Now the NLG has a hotline for people contacted by the FBI or the INS as a result of 911, and it’s important that everyone knows that nobody has to talk to any governement agent, and they should call the guild for an attorney. Now we had some people, Iraqis, when they were questioned, they were contacted six times in one day by the FBI. And one man, six times in one day, said “No, I can’t talk to you until I talk to my attorney.” Don’t to talk to any government agent until you talk to an attorney.

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Video And Audio Of The ACLU’s Jayashri Srikantiah At SF Special Registration Protest

This footage is from the protest in front of the INS building that took place from noon to 1pm at 444 Washington Street in San Francisco on June 13, 2003.
Speaker: Jayashri Srikantiah, Staff Attorney
Organization: American Civil Liberties Union
Jayashri Srikantiah in San Francisco (Small – 11 MB)
Audio – Jayashri Srikantiah in San Francisco (MP3 – 4 MB)

Jayashri Srikantiah, Staff Attorney, ACLU

(Excerpt) Right after September 11th, President Bush and Congress expressed solidarity with Arab, Muslim and South Asian communities and warned against singling out members of those communities for the actions of terrorists. Unfortunately, the government’s actions stand in sharp contrast to its words.
The latest round of deportations announced by the government is only the most recent example of the Federal Government’s practice of ethnic skapegoating and stereotyping. What the governement is doing is targeting particular nationalities for aggressive enforcement of immigration law. What the government is doing is targeting “immigrants” instead of targeting “terrorists.”
The latest round of deportation follows other discriminatory policies including targeting of South Asian, Muslim and Arab communities for questioning, lengthy and secret detentions, secret deportations and other activities…
For immigrant communities, the promise of “due process of law” has been eroded. Even the government’s own reports recognize the government’s own discriminatory and shameful detention and deportation policies…
The government must stop targeting innocent people based on their ethnicity and religion. The government must stop disrupting the lives of thousands of innocent immigrant families. The government must stop equating “immigrants” with “terrorists.”

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Video and Audio Of Samina Faheem At Friday’s Protest

This footage is from the protest in front of the INS building that took place from noon to 1pm at 444 Washington Street in San Francisco on June 13, 2003.
Speaker: Samina Faheem
Organization: American Muslim Alliance, Pakistan American Democratic Front
Samina Faheem in San Francisco (Small – 16 MB)
Audio – Samina Faheem in San Francisco (MP3 – 6 MB)

Samina Faheem, American Muslim Alliance, Pakistan American Democratic Front

(Excerpt) Today we are here to protest the deportation of 13,000 detainees due to the special INS registration…Since 911, Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians have been suffering the backlash and have lost almost all of their civil liberties and constitutional rights. We have been defending our loyalites and patriotism to America. Even though we are law abiding citizens — hard working citizens of the U.S., we have been labeled as terrorists.

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Details About Friday 13, 2003 Protest Against the INS Special Registration Deportations

I’ll be posting video from this tomorrow.
Muslim And Middle Eastern Men Targeted
By Jessie Mangaliman for the SJ Mercury News.

A number of Bay Area civil rights and immigrant advocacy groups rallied outside the federal immigration office in San Francisco on Friday to protest the pending deportation of more than 13,000 Muslim and Middle Eastern men found to be living illegally in the United States during a national security registration program.
“What the government is doing is targeting immigrants instead of targeting terrorists,” Jayashri Srikantiah, an attorney with the Northern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said to a group of about 50 people, across the street from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, the former Immigration and Naturalization Service, in downtown San Francisco…
In all, more than 82,000 people registered. About 16 percent, or more than 13,000, were found in violation of their visas and placed in deportation proceedings, according to a government report issued last week.

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Emergency Protest This Friday 13th At San Francisco INS Building

There’s an “emergency” protest going on tomorrow afternoon to protest the Shrub Administration’s deportation of over 13,000 muslim men who cooperated voluntarily with the INS Special Registration Program.
The news conference and rally afterwards is going on from 12pm (noon) – 1:30pm at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Building on 444 Washington Street (at Sansome) in San Francisco. Here’s a map of the location and a gif of that map, in case the mapquest link doesn’t work.
I’ll be there recording it so you’ll still be able to check it out if you can’t make it, but it’s very important to get as many people there as possible for this so please try to make it if you can.
See you there!
Here’s the official scoop (courtesy of an email I received from Refuse and Resist:

Civil rights and community organizations will hold a
news conference and demonstration outside the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS) offices in San Francisco on Friday, June
13. Following reports that 13,000 of the Arab and Muslim men who
voluntarily registered with the INS as part of the government’s
controversial Special Registration Program (NSEERS) will face
deportation, the groups are calling on the INS to halt the expulsions
of men from a list of mainly Arab and Muslim nations. The groups say
that the proposed deportations constitute racial profiling and will
not aid the fight against terrorism.

Speakers will include:
-Jayashri Srikantiah, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern
-Samina Faheem, American Muslim Alliance / Pakistan American
Democratic Forum
-Matthew Van Saun, Amnesty International
-Ben Allen, Blue Triangle Network
-Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange
-Riva Enteen, National Lawyers Guild
-Rev. John Oda, Pine United Methodist Church
-Greg Marutani, SF Japanese American Citizens League
-Statement from Attorney Lynne Stewart
Speakers at the protest following the news conference include
representatives of ANSWER, Arab-American Anti-Discrimination
Committee, Global Exchange, Refuse & Resist, South Alameda Peace &
Justice Committee, Not in Our Name, and others.

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