Category Archives: Adventures In Hacktivism – February 16, 2003

My Little Adventure In Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 – DJ Mix On Polk/Grove

I’m not sure who the DJ’s were, but they totally rocked. The music fades in over the sound of the speaker on stage and then takes over…

Audio – DJ Mix On Polk/Grove (MP3 – 5 MB)
DJ Mix On Polk/Grove (Hi-res 66 MB)
DJ Mix On Polk/Grove – All (Lo-res 27 MB)
DJ Mix On Polk/Grove – Part 1 of 2 (Lo-res 12 MB)
DJ Mix On Polk/Grove – Part 2 of 2 (Lo-res 15 MB)

My Little Adventure In Hacktivism For February 16, 2003 – Part 18

Part 18 – I try to get up towards the stage and score a press pass like last time, but it just wasn’t going to happen (That is, unless I waited around by the side of the stage for a while, and I didn’t want to risk missing Barbara Lee.)

So I decided to brave it in the main crowd 200 yards or so out from the stage.

At this point, Kevin took off — he was tired and wasn’t up for dealing with the crowd.

The crowd is really dense and hard to walk through, especially with my camera, so I give up and decide to just place my camera a top the tripod, and fold up the legs of my tripod so I can hold it squarely with both arms several feet above the crowd.

At this point I shoot the footage you see below. (That’s Tom Ammiano telling bad jokes in the background.)

Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 of ? (Hi-res 35 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 of ? (Lo-res 13 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 – (1 of 2) of ? (Lo-res 7 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 18 – (2 of 2) of ? (Lo-res 7 MB)

My Little Adventure In Hacktivism For February 16, 2003 – Parts 16 and 17

Part 16 – One last shot of the march itself before leaving to go the back way around to Civic Center. This clip is a pretty excellent slice of what it felt like within the crowd.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 16 of ? (Hi-res 23 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 16 of ? (Lo-res 9 MB)
Part 17 – We arrive at Civic Center around 2 pm (most people got there after 2pm), and pause for a moment before taking a deep breath and re-entering the crowd. We decide to re-enter from the Polk St. side, in an attempt to try to enter the press pit in front of the stage like we were able to before. (No such luck though.)

Feb 16, 2003 Part 17 of ? (Hi-res 14 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 17 of ? (Lo-res 5 MB)

My Little Adventure In Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 – Parts 14 and 15

Part 14 – Things get too crowded and Kevin Burton and I “cheat” on the march path (and take a side street to try to make any kind of progress in the march). We then decide to get lunch and observe the crowd a few more blocks along. (There was still plenty of time to get to Civic Center in time for the speakers.)

Feb 16, 2003 Part 14 of ? (Hi-res 32 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 14 of ? (Lo-res 12 MB)

Part 15 – After lunch, we try to rejoin the main march, but it still isn’t moving. I revel at the addition of porto-potties, which weren’t at the last protest.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 15 of ? (Hi-res 17 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 15 of ? (Lo-res 13 MB)

My Little Adventure in Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 Parts 12-13

Part 12 – Trying to march on the sidewalk of Market Street as things get progressively crowded.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 12 of ? (Hi-res 27 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 12 of ? (Lo-res 13 MB)
Pary 13 – A really, really brave guy (who obviously feels very strongly about his beliefs) heckles marchers as they walk by, asking “could you live without oil?”

Feb 16, 2003 Part 13 of ? (Hi-res 24 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 13 of ? (Lo-res 12 MB)

My Little Adventure in Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 Parts 7-11

Part 7 – Crowded Market Street to the singing peace ladies.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 7 of ? (Hi-res 34 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 7 of ? (Lo-res 16 MB)
Not much to show picture-wise for the clips below. You’re either really going to be into the novelty of experiencing a walk/count across the crowd, or you should maybe go on to the next set of clips. (And you won’t hurt my feelings, promise 🙂
Part 8 – Me coming up with the idea of counting how many people are in a line across Market street – from side to side, including the sidewalk. And starting the count.
Feb 16, 2003 Part 8 of ? (Hi-res 37 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 8 of ? (Lo-res 18 MB)
Part 9 – Finishing the count: 62 people across. (West to East.)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 9 of ? (Hi-res 19 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 9 of ? (Lo-res 10 MB)
Part 10 – To enable the determination of even the slightest bit of an “average,” I count as I walk back across the street. (East to West.)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 10 of ? (Hi-res 30 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 10 of ? (Lo-res 14 MB)
Pary 11 – I finish the count: 72 back. So that’s 62 across and 72 back. (I know I say “63” on Part 11, but we know from Part 9 that it was really only 62.)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 11 of ? (Hi-res 22 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 11 of ? (Lo-res 12 MB)

My Little Adventure in Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 Parts 4-6

An enthusiastic pair, followed by one of the day’s many crowd swells (a gradual rising cheer).

Feb 16, 2003 Part 4 of ? (Hi-res 32 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 4 of ? (Lo-res 16 MB)

Marching down Market Street — and another crowd swell.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 5 of ? (Hi-res 38 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 5 of ? (Lo-res 18 MB)

The street is growing more and more crowded at a very rapid rate.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 6 of ? (Hi-res 33 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 6 of ? (Lo-res 16 MB)

My Little Adventure in Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 Parts 1-3

Me On The Way To The March

A neighbor nearby who was also on his way to the protest gave me a ride on his motorcycle.
(Note: First time I’ve been on a bike in over 10 years. Boy are they fun!)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 1 of ? (Hi-res 20 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 1 of ? (Lo-res 10 MB)
Kevin Burton On The Pre-March
People are heading towards Embarcadero before the official march begins.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 2 of ? (Hi-res 33 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 2 of ? (Lo-res 16 MB)

Market Street Around Noon
The street filled up very quickly all the way across from sidewalk to sidewalk.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 3 of ? (Hi-res 38 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 3 of ? (Lo-res 18 MB)

Great Day Today In San Francisco

I’m uploading some movies now and I’ll start linking to them in the morning.
There were even more people than last time. I couldn’t get up to the stage like before, or score a press pass. (But I still shot a lot of great footage.)
I’m going to try something different this time and put up the footage in the order I shot it. So you can sort of see how the day progressed (for me, anyway).
Update 2/18/03: Here’s the video up so far: Parts 1-3
Parts 4-6
See you in the am!