Category Archives: 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate Archive

Daily Show On Dan Rather’s Democratic Debate Free-For-All

This is from the March 2, 2004 program.
This clip contains footage of the “Desperation Sunday” debate on CBS with Dan Rather between the remaining four Democratic Candidates (Kerry, Edwards, Kucinich, Sharpton). The debate took place Sunday, February 29, 2004.
Highlights include the NY Time’s Elizabeth Bumieller asking stupid questions like “Is God On America’s side?” and the candidates having to play a little game deciding if the the barriers being placed around and through the middle of Palestine are “walls or fences?”

Daily Show On Dan Rather’s Dem Debate
(Small – 10 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

Howard Dean On The Jay Leno Show!

This is from the September 30, 2003 program.
This was a classic appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Looks like we’ve got Hollywood on our side!
Jay put together some hilarious clips (3 MB) of Dean as a street musician and Dean as Pete Townsend that are quite historical. One of them features Rob Reiner as a passer by.
Jay sure did his homework for this interview. We get to learn about how Howard decided to become a Doctor and how he managed to balance being a Doctor with his duties as Lt. Governor before the Governor died and he became the “big guy.” We also learn about his favorite $125 JC Penny suit that he still owns to this day.

Howard Dean On Jay Leno – Part 1 of 2
(Small – 11 MB)

Howard Dean On Jay Leno – Part 2 of 2
(Small – 12 MB)

Howard Dean On Jay Leno – Complete
(Small – 23 MB)
Howard Dean On Jay Leno – Funny Clip (Small – 3 MB)

PBS Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate – September 4, 2003

Good Morning Folks,
So I’ll be blogging this in more detail later (note: I’ve since backed out of this task), but I really wanted to get it up for you this weekend so you could check it out before the work week starts. (Yes, I realize that many of you will have to wait ’till the work week starts so you can get your hands on a high speed connection…so this way the files will be ready for you too on Monday am.)
Here is the Democratic Candidate Presidential Debate that aired on PBS on September 4, 2003.
I’ve made the files available in two or three parts.
These files are all huge. The “2s” are about 100 MB each, and the “3s” are about 60 MB each. I’ll have them split up by candidate eventually, but, like I said, I thought I’d give you a chance to spend the day with them if you are so inclined.
I’ll be gone for the first part of today and then back this afternoon to finish my weekend rampage. (I’m actually getting caught up on my blogging todo list!)

Howard Dean At SEIU 250’s 2003 Leadership Conference In San Francisco

Here’s Howard’s speech from last weekend’s SEIU 250 Leadership Conference in San Francisco on Saturday, September 6, 2003.

It was really an incredible event. The crowd was really into it and Howard gave a great informal speech.
I was lucky enough to run into him as I was coming down the escalators while he and his posse were on their way into the holding room. I called his name and waved — I wasn’t really expecting him to stop — but he did stop and wait for me to come the rest of the way down so I could shake hands and say hi! What a sweetie!
(I resisted my hippy urge to give him a big old hug, although it is getting harder and harder to do that, because I really do feel like giving him a big old hug these days.)
Anyway, here’s the speech. I’ve made it available in one large video file, two smaller video files, and in a single, and two smaller MP3s for those of you who might want to play the audio or use it on your radio show.
I’m also uploading the AIFF files of the audio for you DJs and professional folks to do with as you wish. (As of 11:15 am PST – these have about two hours to go until they are uploaded.)

Howard Dean At the SEIU 250 Conference – All
(Small – 53 MB)

Howard Dean At the SEIU 250 Conference – Part 1 of 2
(Small – 21 MB)

Howard Dean At the SEIU 250 Conference – Part 2 of 2
(Small – 32 MB)

Audio – Howard Dean At the SEIU 250 Conference – All
(MP3 – 30 MB)

Audio – Howard Dean At the SEIU 250 Conference – Part 1 of 2
(MP3 – 14 MB)

Audio – Howard Dean At the SEIU 250 Conference – Part 2 of 2
(MP3 – 16 MB)

Howard Dean On The Environment: San Francisco, July 31, 2003

Howard Dean came to town last Thursday, and I was able to video two of his speaking events.
The first event in the afternoon was on the environment. Howard warned us that his speech might be a little stiff, and he wasn’t kidding. But he did make some good points, including one about the potential of wind power. (Small – 3 MB)
One highlight took place when a cell phone rang and Dean realized it was his own. (Small – 2 MB)
I didn’t get a chance to wait around to talk to Howard because I had a 1:45 appointment, but I wasn’t worried about it, because I was going to see him speak again at a fundraiser at the San Francisco Medical Society that same evening (which I knew would be a smaller gathering and a better place to say hello).
I’ll have the stuff from that up later today.
Here’s the complete speech from noon on July 31, 2003, in one part and in three parts:
Howard Dean On The Environment – Complete (Small – 75 MB)
Howard Dean On The Environment – Part 1 of 3 (Small – 23 MB)
Howard Dean On The Environment – Part 2 of 3 (Small – 28 MB)
Howard Dean On The Environment – Part 3 of 3 (Small – 28 MB)

NOW Presidential Candidate Forum Going On Today

If anyone knows for sure when on what channel this is airing, will you shoot me an email please at
I’d like to tape it and make it available for everyone online.

NOW Hosts Presidential Candidate Forum on Women’s Rights

What: Presidential Candidates Forum on Women’s Rights
Who: Confirmed candidates include Gov. Howard Dean, Ambassador Carol Moseley-Braun, Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Rev. Al Sharpton
When: Friday, July 11
5:15 PM to 7:00 PM
Where: DoubleTree Crystal City – Crystal Ballroom
300 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, Virginia
“NOW’s Presidential Candidates Forum will bring women’s rights activists from across the country – the backbone of many a campaign – face to face with the candidates challenging Bush in 2004,” Gandy said. “Going on the record as a strong supporter of these critical issues is a sure-fire way to mobilize women to get to the polls next year.”

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