Bowling For Columbine Rocks!

Michael Moore has created another masterpiece and accomplished a number of excellent goals in the process (like getting K-Mart to stop selling gun ammunition).
Bowling for Columbine is funny. Timely, and well worth the cash.
Go see it quick before it leaves town!
Here’s an interview with Michael Moore about the film.
Here’s another review from Common Dreams:

by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Here’s the full text of the links I cite in case they go bad:
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Mike Moore Speaks:
Bowling for Columbine
Mike Moore at Cannes Film Festival 2002
Mike Moore at the Cannes
Film Festival 2002
On the morning of Tuesday 20 April 1999 in the middle-class town of Littleton, Colorado, USA, Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) began a rampage through the corridors of Columbine High School that ultimately ended their own lives and those of thirteen others; twenty-five more were injured.
Homemade bombs and explosive devices were found planted around the building and several survivors later reported that Harris and Klebold were smiling and laughing as they shot their fellow students.
This outrage shook the whole country and inspired Moore to make Bowling for Columbine to explore issues of gun control, racism and the politics of fear in America.
Bowling for Columbine became the first documentary to be invited to the Cannes Film Festival official selection for fifty-five years. It competed for the prestigious Palm D

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