7 thoughts on “Bill Frist – Cat Killer – Daily Show Clip

  1. Geraldine M. Brehm

    Horrible, makes me sick. He probably grew up torturing ansimals too!
    He can’t be too politically focased if he didn’t realize how much this statement could cripple his campaigning for any position in the future.

  2. Geraldine M. Brehm

    Horrible, makes me sick. He probably grew up torturing ansimals too!
    He can’t be too politically focased if he didn’t realize how much this statement could cripple his campaigning for any position in the future.

  3. Richard Sutherland

    For a grown person to believe as Sen. Frist does, and as Justice Scalia does, is no different from a child believing in Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. They are devoid of reason and critical analysis skills. They are so full of what’s right, they don’t know what’s good.

  4. Jack Frost

    Why are people surprised when the true nature of Republicans is brought to the light of day?

  5. Strata Lucida

    Good people bugger good people

    I know it’s uncouth to make fun of politicians who’ve received ricin in their mail, but when it comes to Senator “Cat-Killer” Frist, I just can’t resist. Everybody’s favorite scheming parvenu wannabe-blogger, Wonkette, dishes up the hilarity today in h…

  6. Maro Karo

    What a douche. He should be brought out into the street and shot. Wait no, I should take him home, treat him nicely for a few dys, and then cart him to a lab to die in the interest of science.
    That sounds too extravagent for what he deserves. A nice kick in the ballsack will do, and then a maiming. Leave him in an alley, and the cats will know what to do.

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