Beautiful Little Blogging Anthem

I think this song really captures the essence of blogging quite well, actually:

Ben and Mena

StevenF says “As far as I know, it’s the first, and hopefully the last ever song about web logging.” It may be the first, but I can guarantee that it won’t be the last… (MP3 – 4 MB)

Blank page, nothin’ to say
Just pictures of my cats today
Thought about the war a bunch
Now let me tell you what I had for lunch
Boys all hate me, my girlfriend dumped me
They’re bombing Iraq, my oatmeal’s lumpy
Wi-Fi networks in Central Park
Funny Photoshops up on Fark
I wanna be Ben, I wanna be Mena
If only for a moment or two
I wanna be Cory, I’ll even be Winer
If that’s what I gotta do
I wanna be Ben, I wanna be Mena
The master of my domain
So send me a ping, send me a trackback
I promise I won’t complain
Referers say no-one came today…
That perfect link I hope to find
Check MetaFilter for the 40th time
I left a comment, I hope you see
How this issue pertains to me
Semantic web, RSS, and e-mail
Single white guy seeks athletic female
I’m busy building the digital commons
Cook me up another bowl of ramen

Here is the entire text of the link in case it goes bad:
March 24, 2003
Hey, speaking of not having anything to blog about, here is a song (3.8 MB) I put together a few weeks ago using Reason with some other bits of hardware and software. It relays the epic saga of a lonely everyblogger who dreams of finding the ultimate link that will catapult his puny blog into the limelight.
As far as I know, it’s the first, and hopefully the last ever song about web logging. Headphones recommended, don’t scare your co-workers. Listeners will be delighted to know that I don’t plan to give up my programming career to become a recording artist.
For lyrics, click “More…” link.
(Hey does this count as “audblogging”? *shudder*)
Ben & Mena (S. Frank)
Blank page, nothin’ to say
Just pictures of my cats today
Thought about the war a bunch
Now let me tell you what I had for lunch
Boys all hate me, my girlfriend dumped me
They’re bombing Iraq, my oatmeal’s lumpy
Wi-Fi networks in Central Park
Funny Photoshops up on Fark
I wanna be Ben, I wanna be Mena
If only for a moment or two
I wanna be Cory, I’ll even be Winer
If that’s what I gotta do
I wanna be Ben, I wanna be Mena
The master of my domain
So send me a ping, send me a trackback
I promise I won’t complain
Referers say no-one came today…
That perfect link I hope to find
Check MetaFilter for the 40th time
I left a comment, I hope you see
How this issue pertains to me
Semantic web, RSS, and e-mail
Single white guy seeks athletic female
I’m busy building the digital commons
Cook me up another bowl of ramen
(Alt. Chorus)
I wanna be Ben, I wanna be Mena
If only for a moment or two
I wanna be Haughey, I’ll even be Stile
If that’s what I gotta do
I wanna be Ben, I wanna be Mena
The master of my domain
So send me a ping, send me a trackback
I promise I won’t complain
Referers say no-one came today…
(Repeat Chorus)

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