3 thoughts on “Audrey Howard and Lisa Rein At Saturday’s Mother’s Day Concert

  1. Matt Janssen

    Hamilton 21May 2003
    Dear audry.
    I was very impressed with your book ( A Day Will Come )
    As I saw you are born in 1929 the same year I was born.
    I emigrated as a youg Dutch soldier serving in Suriname to New Zealand were i have done very well in dairy farming and are retired now.
    I have written 2 short stories de first one in Dutch called De Boeren Knechto(The Farm Hand)
    The comments I did get were very good.
    The second book was called (Days Of My Live)
    I Like your writing becouse it seems to be my way of writing but ofcourse i am only a amatuer but i still hope to write a book of my life in New Zealand and your books encourresed me and I would rearly apprisiate if you think i can do it as my adication is limited,
    Yours Sincereley Matt-Janssen.
    Matt Janssen
    162 Harewood Way
    Alandale Village

  2. Beastlierthanthou

    Sweet.. you two kick serious ignorant butt.. (a compliment, to be sure! 🙂 Peace is how I’ve mnaged to live in this world, and I love sharnig it with people.
    Hugs not bombs!

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