Anonymous Coward vs. A-list Bloggers

It’s actually some guy fighting with himself 🙂
Nevertheless, I laughed outloud for the fifty-fifth time and decided that, in all fairness, I had to blog this.
(Thanks, Larry.)

Here is the full text of the page in case the link goes bad:
Simple Guide to the A-List Bloggers
Dave Winer
Anyone who disagrees with me is a festering disease-carrying burnt-toast maggot. I am the Internet, doncha know that? I made it what it was. I invented Blogs. And my markup spec’s are the all. Scripting and DaveNet was everything, I was ahead of the game. And when you all were still in diapers, I was (and still am) the world. I am King of the Whole Wide World. Microsoft is pure evil, they want to steal your kids, salt your lawn, plant greenish-oozed nuclear waste in your laundry detergent. I, however, have only the best of intentions. Comments? Sorry no can do. But trust me. Link Link Link Link to my supporters. Slam slam slam the ones I hate. Backstab here, backstab there. Change this spec here, change that spec here. RSS Spec fight here, RSS Spec fight there. Only thing worse than Microsoft are the morons at SixApart. Change spec – here, there and everywhere. Disagree? Then you are Evil Incarnate. Unreadable unmanageable code here, unreadable unmanageable code there. How to Disinfluence People and Tick-Off the Entire World via Blog. Anyone who was under the mistaken impression that Bloggers all get along hasn

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