Ambassador Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press Discusses “Intimigate” (The Scandal Involving The Outing Of His Wife As A CIA Agent By A Top Shrub Administration Official)

Ambassador Joseph Wilson was on
Meet The Press
(hosted by Tim Russert) last Sunday to discuss the leak from an unnamed top official of the Shrub Administration that ended up blowing the cover of his CIA-employed wife.
The interview with Robert Novak from the same show is also available.
Wilson clarifies some of his own comments over the last week, while Tim Russert takes advantage of the opportunity to clarify some of the facts of the situation in more detail. (Tim is the man!)
I’ve made the clip available in its entirety, in two pieces, and in four smaller pieces to make it easier to download and circulate the parts of interest to you. This is good stuff.
This is from the October 5, 2003 program.
Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Complete (Small – 39 MB)
In Two Parts:
Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 2 (Small – 18 MB)
Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 2 (Small – 21 MB)
In Four Parts:

Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Part 1 of 4
(Small – 10 MB)

Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Part 2 of 4
(Small – 9 MB)

Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Part 3 of 4
(Small – 9 MB)

Joseph Wilson On Meet The Press – Part 4 of 4
(Small – 11 MB)

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