About To Post A Series Of Really Sad Stories About Our Mistreated Troops (In Iraq and Here At Home!)

I’m about to post a bunch of interviews and articles about our mistreated soldiers — both here at home (as Iraq war veterans start to come home) and our troops that are still over in Iraq.
I hope that you guys understand that I’m just trying to raise awareness about how badly are boys and girls are being mistreated by our own government. Some of this stuff is really shocking and painful to read, so don’t read it if you’ve got to go be upbeat somewhere anytime soon, ok?
No seriously. Read it when you can be alone for a minute, because you’re not going to be in a very good mood afterwards. And for a minute, life seems kinda pointless and stuff.
I’m not expressing myself very well right now, most likely, but I did want to preface this next round of articles with a few words:
I’m torn about what to do at this point about Iraq. I realize that “now we’re committed” and all that and that “now we just can’t pull out and leave the Iraqis hanging” and all that, but if these stories from the troops — from our own side are true, I wonder if it wouldn’t be better to just pull out than to let any more of our troops die for nothing. Or rather, than to let more of them die so that the few entities that are profiting from this war can continue to do so.
I just don’t know guys, so I won’t pretend to have any answers. But I did think it was important to bring you this next round of information — for your own edification. You can draw your own conclusions. Maybe you can help me figure it out.

2 thoughts on “About To Post A Series Of Really Sad Stories About Our Mistreated Troops (In Iraq and Here At Home!)

  1. tristero

    I completely understand. I don’t know if this helps you at all, but I’ve become convinced that the only important steps that have a chance of leading to improvement are these:
    1. Bush must no longer be president.
    2. The UN must take over.
    Both must happen. One without the other won’t work. Therefore, stay or go won’t be worse or better than the other until January 2005 at the earliest. Once Bush is out, and we can trust our media again (except for Jon Stewart), we can then begin to work out a sensible plan.
    Until then, it’s a tragic situation that cannot get better. The only thing to do is to work to defeat Bush and Bushism.
    Which brings up the anti-war efforts. They should be recast as anti-Bush, pro-American rallies.
    Get rid of Bush. Then we can focus on ending the war.

  2. tristero

    I completely understand. I don’t know if this helps you at all, but I’ve become convinced that the only important steps that have a chance of leading to improvement are these:
    1. Bush must no longer be president.
    2. The UN must take over.
    Both must happen. One without the other won’t work. Therefore, stay or go won’t be worse or better than the other until January 2005 at the earliest. Once Bush is out, and we can trust our media again (except for Jon Stewart who has always been great), we can then begin to work out a sensible plan.
    Until then, it’s a tragic situation that cannot get better. The only thing to do is to work to defeat Bush and Bushism.
    Which brings up the anti-war efforts. They should be recast as anti-Bush, pro-American rallies.
    Get rid of Bush. Then we can focus on ending the war.

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