A Sad Day For The Human History

On of the oldest libraries in the world burned to the ground yesterday.
There’s nothing left.
“Coalition” troops were five minutes away and did nothing to put out the blaze.
Islamic Library Burned to the Ground
By Robert Fisk for The Independent.

It was the final chapter in the sack of Baghdad. The National Library and Archives

6 thoughts on “A Sad Day For The Human History

  1. Smoove B

    This is terrible, but blaming Americans for it isn’t going to work- they didn’t set the fire and I would bet they don’t have the means to fight fires.

  2. Jinia

    I’m left wondering why the Library and Museum were not guarded.I heard recently the Museum had been closed for two years.Why opened now?
    Also looting took place in 1991 and looting is
    common after a war.<<< and the US Gov should have
    considered it.It needs extreme investigation.
    So devastating it’s hard to imagine it,yet it
    happened.The oil was guarded but not the
    history.The US tends to think in the short term
    instead of long term condsequences.It’s the nature of America unfortunately at the political
    and somewhat social level.

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