A Moment Of Silence For A Legend

A very sad morning indeed. I went from tearing up over the beginning of last night’s Nightline (sept 11 remembered), to crying over the afghan locals working for a Danish peace organization that were shot it the head in Afghanistan on Monday (more nightline), to momentarily freaking out about Ben being in Afghanistan (yes — he’s fine — entry included below), to outright bawling at the news of Johnny Cash’s death.
Anything else? Come on! Let it at me.
I’ll pull it together because I have a lot of good stuff to bring you today…

from http://www.benhammersley.com, September 5, 2003
Ok, one final Afghanistan anecdote, which may only make sense to a Brit. One morning late in the week I had to get up really early in the morning, so I set the alarm on my shortwave radio to wake me with the BBC World Service. Come 430am, the radio kicks in. I lie there listening to news of Alastair Campbell

3 thoughts on “A Moment Of Silence For A Legend

  1. leisure

    Woke up in time for the announcement re: J. Cash’s death myself. Never was a big fan, but recognize him nonetheless; my family was always big on his singing. Dashed out a portrait of Johnny (somewhat strange rendering, due to being sleep-deprived) and posted it up at:
    This on top of everything going pear-shaped in Palestine… It’s enough to make me loathe yesterday’s date.

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