Participate In Today’s Virtual March On Washington has organized a
Virtual March On Washington
today, February 26, 2003.
The idea is to literally have all of the Senators and Representatives’ phones ringing off of the hook all day long — asking them not to rush into this War, please — in your own words. (Perhaps “please” isn’t a word that seems appropriate anymore…)
Estimated Time Investment: 1-2 minutes total.
It took me about 30 seconds to enter my information into a form, including two sentences that I want to say when I leave a message for my reps.
The website creates a page with the names and phone numbers of your representatives that you can print out and keep handy so it’s easy to remember what you want to say when it’s time to make the calls.
This is the kind of organized communication to our representatives that I hope to see a lot more of.
Give it a try, will you? I’m curious what people’s experiences are.
I’ll tell you about mine after I make my calls around noon.

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