Law Professor Will Assist With Articles Of Impeachment, Free Of Charge

International Law Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign thinks we ought to pre-emptively kick the Shrub’s butt out of office for making pre-emptive strikes a part of our foreign policy. He thinks we should rid ourselves of Ashcroft while we’re at it. (I think he’s forgetting somebody…But two out of three ain’t bad.)
Preemptive impeachment
Law professor stands ready to draft articles for any member of the House
By K

11 thoughts on “Law Professor Will Assist With Articles Of Impeachment, Free Of Charge

  1. Derek

    I don’t think under our present legal system, we can pre-emptively convict someone of a crime (Minority Report notwithstanding *grin*)
    Certainly, though, the day it happens, he absolutely should find himself under impeachment proceedings.

  2. Derek

    I don’t think under our present legal system, we can pre-emptively convict someone of a crime (Minority Report notwithstanding *grin*)
    Certainly, though, the day it happens, he absolutely should find himself under impeachment proceedings.

  3. thepete

    I think the point is that as soon as the Iraq Attack occurs, the United States will be in violation of International Law and therefore a criminal state. I’m pretty sure impeachment wouldn’t be pre-emptive then.
    Incidentally, check out (not my site) if you want to learn more about this issue or to register your vote to impeach El Presidente Arbusto, or as I like to call him King George.

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