Senator Max Baucus On CSPAN – More About This Unprecedented Situation

Here are some clips of Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) from
yesterday’s debate over the nomination of Miguel Estrada
to the second highest court in the land.

It was lengthly, but very interesting. I sure learn a lot watching
CSPAN. (Well, a lot compared to what I used to know before about this stuff anyway, which was nothing 🙂
Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) explains a thing
or two about the Estrada situation

(Note: These clips are in no way complete — he spoke for
two or three times as long as these clips):
Highlights with descriptions: Part 1: Baucus recalls how he
recalls Supreme Court Justice O’Connor starting the
practice of not answering certain questions when she
was being considered for the bench — noting that she
had an extensive record from which she could be
assessed. Estrada, in contrast, has refused to answer
any questions whatsoever. (Not just one or two
questions that he doesn’t feel comfortable about.)
Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 1 of 4 (Lo-Res – 17 MB)
Audio – Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 1 of 4 (Lo-Res – 2 MB)
Part 2 – Baucus talks about how important it is to
know what kind of a person that nominee is since
these are lifetime appointments.
Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 2 of 4 (Lo-Res – 17 MB)
Audio – Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 2 of 4 (Lo-Res – 2 MB)
Part 3 – Baucus elaborates about how he feels
responsible to do what is right by the people.
He also brings up the point that the Justice Dept.
probably interviewed Estrada before the Shrub
made his recommendation — and asks “why wasn’t
that information made available to the Senate?”
Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 3 of 4 (Lo-Res – 25 MB)
Audio – Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 3 of 4 (Lo-Res – 3 MB)
Part 4 – Baucus talks about when Roosevelt tried
to pack the Supreme Court when he didn’t like
the decisions it had been making. (He tried to
add Justices to the court.) But the Senate stood
up to him. Now it is time, he said, for the Senate
to stand up against the blind approval of these kind
of mystery nominees.
Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 4 of 4 (Lo-Res – 40 MB)
Audio – Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN Part 4 of 4 (Lo-Res – 4 MB)
Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana) Complete Audio:
Audio – Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN – Parts 1-4 (Hi-Res – 10 MB)
Audio – Sen Max Baucus On CSPAN – Parts 1-4 (Lo-Res – 5 MB)

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