Senator Tim Johnson Explains The Trouble With The Estrada Nomination

Senator Tim Johnson Explaining how Miguel Estrada refused to answer any questions asked of him by the Senate Judiciary Committee:
Audio Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN (MP3 – Hi-Res – 4 MB)
Audio Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN (MP3 – Lo-Res – 2 MB)
Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN – ALL (Lo-Res – 49 MB)
Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN Part 1 of 2 (Lo-Res – 25 MB)
Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN Part 2 of 2 (Lo-Res – 24 MB)
Senator Tim Johnson Explaining the dangers of setting a precendent where Judicial nominees would not have to provide any information about their beliefs (effectively rubber stamping presidential nominees):
More Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN (Lo-Res – 14 MB)
Audio – More Sen. Tim Johnson On CSPAN (MP3 – Hi-Res – 2 MB)

One thought on “Senator Tim Johnson Explains The Trouble With The Estrada Nomination

  1. Susan Laybourn

    You Democrats say your for minorities and that your bi-partisan, but you are so narrow minded, you can’t see people for who they are. Miguel Estrada has worked his way up and is a great example of the American Dream.
    Stop blocking the appointment of a perfectly good judge. There are too many cases that are waiting to be heard.

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