Californians: Learn About Copyright Straight From The Source

This just in from the Copyright Office:

During the first week of March, top officials from the
Copyright Office will participate in a program in Los
Angeles and San Francisco where they will provide
an update on the latest Copyright Office law and
policy activities, including rulemakings, legislation,
and international activities. The program will also
include presentations on fair use in the twenty-first
century and copyright registration issues for
practitioners and copyright owners. Sponsored
by the Intellectual Property Law Section of the
State Bar of California and the Los Angeles
Copyright Society, the program will take place
March 3 in Santa Monica, Calif. and March 5 in
San Francisco. Participants may earn MCLE
credits. For further information, go to:

California seminar on latest
Copyright Office law and policy activities, including
rulemakings, legislation, and international activities

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