More On The Rosenthal Jurors’ Furor

Jurors Who Convicted Marijuana Grower Seek New Trial
By Dean E. Murphy for the NY Times.

In an unusual show of solidarity with the man they convicted last week, five jurors in the trial of a medicinal marijuana advocate issued a public apology to him today and demanded that the judge grant him a new trial.
The jurors said they had been unaware that the defendant, Ed Rosenthal, was growing marijuana for medicinal purposes, allowed since 1996 under California state law, when they convicted him on three federal counts of cultivation and conspiracy. He is to be sentenced in June and faces a minimum of five years in prison.
“I’m sorry doesn’t begin to cover it,” said one of the jurors, Marney Craig, a property manager in Novato. “It’s the most horrible mistake I’ve ever made in my entire life. And I don’t think that I personally will ever recover from this.”

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
The New York Times The New York Times National February 5, 2003
Jurors Who Convicted Marijuana Grower Seek New Trial

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