It’s A Right-Wing Hate Fest Baby!

Shock troops for Bush
Partisans of the extreme right gathered outside of Washington this weekend to cheer on Cheney and Coulter — and vent their rage at the liberals who rule America.
By Michelle Goldberg for Salon.

It was another year at CPAC, ground zero of the vast right-wing conspiracy, the place where in 1994 Paula Jones was first introduced to the world. This year marks CPAC’s 30th anniversary, but not since the Reagan presidency has its agenda meshed so easily with that of the White House, which honored the event by sending both Cheney and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao to speak. Republican National Committee chairman Marc Racicot, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay of Texas, Senate Whip Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and a bevy of other Republican congressmen were also there, cheered by hordes of college boys in blue blazers, soign

One thought on “It’s A Right-Wing Hate Fest Baby!

  1. Stephen

    Ladies, how much more out of touch can you be?
    Nobody wants your revolution, except for you and your immediate friends.
    My wife and I were walking through the neighborhood in Jersey City today. It is filled with signs proclaiming the arrival of the Nazi liar, Eve Ensler. You cannot imagine how you and your fellow Nazis are hated in our home town.
    Nor can you imagine how hated you and your fellow Nazis are in my wife’s office and in mine. Your dream of inflicting yourself into every person’s sex life is now a reality. My co-workers absolutely hate the reign of the feminazis. It is impossible to conduct normal human relationships in an office in which every person is afraid of you and your Nazi pals.
    The tide is turning against you. You are hated everywhere, except in the few enclaves that will tolerate you. There is no crisis of violence against women, no rape crisis, no domestic violence crisis. Every day more people discover just what ghastly liars you are, and every day more people loath you for your Nazi lies.
    The kind of lying that you do is the most despicable behavior that a woman can engage in. You’ve been crying “Wolf!” and lying for so long that it’s become a terrible habit.
    Liar, liar, pants on fire!
    Keep lying girls, After all, you barely know how to open your mouths or set pen to paper without lying.
    Seig Heil Nazi girls!

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