Read This: The Report To The U.N. Security Council

You probably didn’t hear a whole lot about the vital information contained in this report that was published on Tuesday because of all the Shrub’s war mongering going on at the same time (that, in all fairness, had to be reported on, I suppose).
So now that that’s all over…Meanwhile, back here in reality, some of us would like to know what the inspectors over there in Iraq actually had to say in their report to the U.N. Security Council. (And it’s on FOX News online, of all places 🙂
The document also provides a great backgrounder on the last eleven years of weapons inspections in Iraq, right up until yesterday.
There’s good news and bad news — but at least you can read it all here for yourselves. (Thanks Pat.)
Hans Blix’s Report to the U.N.

Mr President, I must not conclude this “update” without some notes on the growing capability of UNMOVIC.
In the past two months, UNMOVIC has built-up its capabilities in Iraq from nothing to 260 staff members from 60 countries. This includes approximately 100 UNMOVIC inspectors, 60 air operations staff, as well as security personnel, communications, translation and interpretation staff, medical support, and other services at our Baghdad office and Mosul field office. All serve the United Nations and report to no one else.
Furthermore, our roster of inspectors will continue to grow as our training program continues

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