Liberation Spectrum – Sci Fi To Live By

So parts of this stuff I’d like to see happen — and the rest of it is probably just going to happen anyway…
Cory Doctorow has gives new meaning to the term “Liberation Radio”:
Liberation spectrum

The roadhouse was the kind of TAZ that got less entertaining by the second. Lee-Daniel stood in the blinking vegaslights for an eternity while he authenticated to the roadhouse-area-network, surrounded by generic ads while the giant vending machine figured out who he was and what to sell him. Once the wall spat out his token — poker chips adorned with grinning, dancing anthropomorphic dollar, euro and yen symbols — the walls around him leapt to delighted life, pitching their wares hard. He struggled with the rest of the corporation to make out the actual nature of the products behind the pitch and locate a tuna-melt and wave his chip at it.
The sandwich appeared in a slot by his feet and when he bent to fetch it, he was bombarded with upsell ads set into the floor tiles: “Lee-Daniel! People who bought tuna-melts also bought thousand-hour power cells. People who bought OralCare mouth kits also bought MyGuts brand edible oscopycams. People who bought banana-melatonin rice-shakes also bought tailormade sailcloth shirts by Figaro’s of London and Rangoon.”

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