About Yesterday’s Rally…

Yesterday’s rally was incredible! There must have been at least 500 people there. (Enough to fill up all four corners for 100 meters in every direction.
The cops brought out barriers and gave the crowd a lane of traffic on Washington Street too. The cops didn’t seem to mind that me and fifty other camera people were (gasp) filming the building!
The “stage” was a big truck with a generator, microphones, speakers and a PA in back.
I’ll be putting the footage from Friday’s protest together on one page in a day or two. But I’ll also be posting them here as they emerge from my machine.
I really wanted to start publishing what few clips I do have available as soon as possible in the the interest of being more of a dependable “news” source. In case people are trying to put shows together to air on Sunday, they can use clips from Tom Ammiano and Jeff Adachi’s speeches (below).
Remember that you can always email me if you need a louder MP3 file or a different format or a DV tape of a scene or something else for a project your working on. My news footage is always Public Domain’d under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication so you or whatever (hopefully huge multimedia conglomorate) company that you work for can be assured of having the rights to rebroadcast the footage.
The whole point of me doing all this is to have this footage redistributed and rebroadcast and reanalyzed and discussed as far as wide and to as many people as possible.
Thanks in advance for making millions of copies of everything and giving them to your friends and for using my video footage in your own films, television programs, artistic and commercial endeavors.
Whatever clips/audio I’m able to upload this morning will be all until tomorrow am because I’m actually going to be offline with family for perhaps the rest of the day. (But more likely only till later tonight.)
Tomorrow will be the big day that I’m crunching video and uploading it for pretty much all day long. There’s a lot of great stuff from Friday and I still have Tuesday and Thursday to edit and upload from last week once I’ve finished with Friday’s protest and speakers (all 8 or so of them). (Why go back to finish Tuesday and Thursday? — Because there were protesters every day last week and I want you guys to be able to see it all, dag nabbit!)

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