More Babblings Of Nonsense From The Shrub

I don’t know if he just forgets to take his meds sometimes or what.

Here’s the Shrub from Monday’s Daily Show
Shrub On Iraq and North Korea (Hi-res 22 MB)
Shrub On Iraq and North Korea (Med-res 17 MB)
Shrub On Iraq and North Korea (Lo-res 10 MB)
We didn’t elect our “President.”
We didn’t elect our “President.”
There, say it a few more times. Don’t you feel better?

One thought on “More Babblings Of Nonsense From The Shrub

  1. x43896

    We didn’t elect him. The party system did. 😉 He’s a funny guy. He should start his own talk show from his bunker after he accidently presses the wrong button and blows up the planet. 😉

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