Shrub Continues Unprecedented Enron Cover-Up

If there’s nothing to hide, why not cough up the documents? Like every other administration.
It’s called being accountable.
Government Openness at Issue as Bush Holds Onto Records
By Adam Clymer for the New York Times.
I’m beginning to wonder if the Shrub is covering up a lot more than Cheney’s involvement in the Enron mess.
I wish that Enron videotape would resurface…whatever happened to that thing anyway?

The administration’s most publicized fight over secrecy, and its biggest victory to date, has come over its efforts to keep the investigative arm of Congress from gaining access to records of the energy task force led by Vice President Cheney.
This fight is only the showiest of many battles between the Bush administration and members of Congress over information. Such skirmishes happen in every administration. But not only are they especially frequent now, but also many of the loudest Congressional complaints come from the president’s own party, from Republicans like Senator Grassley and Representative Dan Burton of Indiana.
The vice president framed the fight as being less about what the papers sought by the General Accounting Office might show than over power

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