Michael Moore: The Webzine Keynote

Webzine has posted Michael Moore’s Keynote from last summer in NY City as a stream or a downloadable MP3 file (Please mirror this file — Note: I have already done so here.)

Michael Moore gave a keynote speech on July 21, 2001 for Webzine 2001 in New York City. He spoke about the Internet as a revolutionary medium that can empower the little guy, how the Internet helped TV Nation win another season, a powerful scene from Bowling for Columbine, a dirty little chat with Bill Clinton at a porto-potty and a few inspirational stories to motivate YOU to get out there and do something.
Michael Moore speech – 1hr 26mins, 128k MP3 stream
Downloadable MP3 – 80MB MP3 file. Please download and mirror this.

2 thoughts on “Michael Moore: The Webzine Keynote

  1. Jerry

    Michael Moore is a man ahead of his time. We need more people with mass media access who are not afraid to tell it like it is. The truth shall set us all free.

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