Jeb Replaces Incompetent With A Guy Who’s Just Plain Scary

Hey Florida! There is an alternative to four more years of this kind of thing!
Here’s a NY Times article by Dana Canedy published August 16, 2002:
New Child Welfare Head in Florida Is Drawing Fire.

The latest controversy at the agency, the Florida Department of Children and Families, involves a 1989 religious essay which carries the name of Mr. Bush’s appointee, Jerry Regier, on its cover. The essay, entitled “The Christian World View of The Family,” supports spanking of children that may cause “temporary and superficial bruises and welts” and denounces abortion, parenting by gays and women in the work force.
Women, the essay says, should work outside the home only if the family is in a financial crisis and should consider such employment as “bondage.”
…The agency’s previous director, Kathleen A. Kearney, resigned on Tuesday, after months of embarrassments, starting with the agency’s admission in April that it had lost a child in its care, 4-year-old Rilya Wilson, without noticing for more than a year…
Child welfare advocates and Mr. Bush’s political foes said the fact that the governor was caught off guard by Mr. Regier’s association with the coalition proved that Mr. Bush had acted too hastily in replacing Ms. Kearney. After her resignation, agency critics urged Mr. Bush to convene a panel to conduct a national search for her replacement.
Instead, Mr. Bush, who is seeking re-election in November, announced Mr. Regier’s appointment two days later, on Thursday. His critics now say he did not sufficiently review Ms. Kearney’s successor and made the appointment for political expediency.

Here’s the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
The New York Times The New York Times National August 17, 2002
New Child Welfare Head in Florida Is Drawing Fire
MIAMI, Aug. 16

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