Here’s a letter I received

Here’s a letter I received from one of Barbara Lee’s supporters:

“As one of Representative Barbara Lee’s constituents, I am proud of her
opposition to issuing the President blanket authorization to respond to the
September 11 terrorist attack. I’ve told her so in a note to her office and
I’ve shared with friends my agreement with her position. The response the
people of this nation take to these acts needs to reflect the public will.
Giving one man unfettered discretion to determine the response is dangerous
and undemocratic.”

“The current wave of patriotism is an understandable sentiment. We all feel
outraged and violated … just as we did when we believed one of our ships
had been attacked back in 1964. It didn’t take long for that sentiment to
change once America’s youth started coming home in body bags. For once let’s
take the time to determine all the facts before writing ANY check. The
separation of powers concept has worked well for nearly 225 years, let’s not
abandon it and vote our way into a dictatorship just yet.” — Neil Cook, Attorney, Berkeley, California

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