A Little Shrub To Start Your Day

President Bush (when asked to compare Al Queda and Saddam Hussein):

“And so uh, uh, a comparison that uh, uh, is uh, well I can’t make because I can’t distinguish between the two, because they’re both equally as bad, and equally as evil, and equally as destructive.”

Sure you can take out the first part of the sentence out and he won’t look quite so blatantly stupid, but that still won’t change the fact that the second part of the sentence doesn’t make any sense.

“I can’t distinguish between the two, because they’re both equally as bad, and equally as evil, and equally as destructive.”

In a separate statement that came either before or after the one above (but during the same interview), he also said plainly:

“You can’t distinguish between Al Queda and Saddam when you talk about the War On Terror.”

To which Jon Stewart replied during his Daily Show report:

“You can’t? You know what? I’m gonna try. Al Queda is an ideologically-driven underground ultra-Islamic terrorist network and Saddam Hussein is the dictator of a secular middle eastern nation that seeks mild regional dominance. I did it! They said it couldn’t be done!” (Enter confetti and horn blower noises.) “I did it! I’ve done it!”
“Boy! It’s almost a shame we’re going to war anyway!”

One thought on “A Little Shrub To Start Your Day

  1. C.L. Stegall

    I think it all comes down to one sad fact: the president doesn’t run the country, the waterfall of politicos do; from the Senate and the House to the Secretary of State.
    In all honesty I can’t seem to recall a Secretary of State who wasn’t totally brighter and more versed in the world situation than the Prez.
    ‘Course, I am only speaking from one anti-politco’s perspective. Feel free to shoot me down if you disagree.

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