Write Your Rep Now: Sample Pro-Internet Radio Fairness Act Letter

Here’s the letter I’m faxing out.
I’ll have a little site up with more information, like my peace site soon, but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible so you can start sending your own letters to your representatives.

September 29, 2002
Your rep here
FAX Here – Fax it to their Washington Number
Re: Vote Yes on The Internet Radio Fairness Act HR 5469
Dear Representative X:
Please vote “Yes” on the Internet Radio Fairness Act (HR 5469), a bill that will be voted on October 1 by the House of Representatives.
On October 20 a new copyright royalty will have to be paid by all Internet radio services — even those owned by non-commercial, non-profit and academic organizations (we’re talking College and Public Owned/Operated Community Radio Stations!).
Hundreds of small Internet radio services have already shut down as a result of these impending fees and many hundreds more services that cannot afford the royalty and will shut down when the payment comes due, unless HR 5469 can save the day on October 1st.
I hope you will not let CARP’s unrealistic pricing structure destroy the incredible range of freely available artistic and cultural diversity that has been made possible by the existence of Internet Webcasting.
Please don’t let it all be destroyed overnight.
Vote Yes on the Internet Radio Fairness Act (HR 5469).
Your Name
City/State/Zip (zip very important)
Phone number good too!

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