Letter 1 – Thank you to HR 473’s Existing Supporters

HR 473 is Representative Barbara Lee’s Bill that would provide a peaceful alternative to Bush’s aggressive military option.
I’ll be posting customized versions of these letters soon along with better descriptions of how to do things for those of you who are beginners like me and don’t really know where to begin (why do you think this is taking so long 🙂
But for those of you who are ready to move on this now, here’s a letter and direct links to the websites of the Representatives who are already supporting Lee’s Bill.
Stay tuned for letters to send your Representatives who are not yet on the list of supporters, urging them vote yes on HR 473. After that, I’ll be writing letters to send to members of the Committee On International Relations, to whom HR 473 was referred…
Many thanks to Ren Bucholz, EFF Activist, for his help on my letters and strategy!

September 26, 2002
Your Rep
Complete Address Here
Fax Number Here
RE: Yes on HR 473 — No on Public Law 105-235
Dear Representative X:
Thank you for supporting HR 473, Rep. Barbara Lee’s resolution to seek
a peaceful solution to the situation in Iraq. I believe that a policy
of deterrence, disarmament, and prevention in the Persian Gulf is the
right thing to do.
I also urge you to vote against President Bush’s proposed
Congressional Resolution (Public Law 105-235). This sweeping expansion
of power would grant the President a blank check for military action in
the Middle East, and I do not believe that this is sound policy.
Thank you for supporting peace, reason and accountability; I hope you
will continue to do so.
Your Name
Your address Here
Zipcode really important!
Phone number good too.
List of Reps to send this letter to:
Representative Barbara Lee
U.S. House of Representatives
9th Congressional District, California
Representative Tammy Baldwin
U.S. House of Representatives
2nd Congressional District, Wisconsin

Representative Corrine Brown
U.S. House of Representatives
3rd Congressional District, Florida

Representative Donna M. Christensen
U.S. House of Representatives
United States Virgin Islands


Representative William Lacy Clay
U.S. House of Representatives
1st Congressional District, Missouri
Representative Eva M. Clayton
U.S. House of Representatives
1st Congressional District, North Carolina
Representative James E. Clyburn
U.S. House of Representatives
6th Congressional District, South Carolina
Representative John Conyers, Jr.
U.S. House of Representatives
14th Congressional District, Michigan
Representative Danny K. Davis
U.S. House of Representatives
7th Congressional District, Illinois
Representative Sam Farr
U.S. House of Representatives
17th Congressional District, California
Representative Bob Filner
U.S. House of Representatives
50th Congressional District, California
Representative Earl F. Hilliard
U.S. House of Representatives
7th Congressional District, Alabama
Representative Maurice Hinchey
U.S. House of Representatives
26th Congressional District, New York
Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr.
U.S. House of Representatives
2nd Congressional District, Illinois
Representative Marcy Kaptur
U.S. House of Representatives
9th Congressional District, Ohio
Representative Carolyn Kilpatrick
U.S. House of Representatives
15th Congressional District, Michigan
Representative Dennis J. Kucinich
U.S. House of Representatives
10th Congressional District, Ohio
Representative Jim McDermott
U.S. House of Representatives
7th Congressional District, Washington
Representative Cynthia McKinney
U.S. House of Representatives
4th Congressional District, Georgia
Representative Major R. Owens
U.S. House of Representatives
11th Congressional District, New York
Representative Lynn N. Rivers
U.S. House of Representatives
13th Congressional District, Michigan
Representative Bobby L. Rush
U.S. House of Representatives
1st Congressional District, Illinois
Representative Jose E. Serrano
U.S. House of Representatives
16th Congressional District, New York
Representative Hilda L. Solis
U.S. House of Representatives
31st Congressional District, California
Representative Pete Stark
U.S. House of Representatives
13th Congressional District, California
Representative Dianne Watson
U.S. House of Representatives
32nd Congressional District, California
Representative Lynn Woolsey
U.S. House of Representatives
6th Congressional District, California

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