Can Cheney Count On Americans To Forget?

A CNN Internet Survey shows that American’s are sick of Cheney’s double talking bullshit and are generally ready to see the guy fry for his criminal activities — just like you or I would be punished.

The results from the survey come as no surprise, of course, but let’s see if these same Americans can remember not to vote for the guy in 2003. Sheesh! We knew all this stuff about him during the presidential campaign three years ago, and lord knows nobody seemed to care then.

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, said today that the lawsuit it brought on behalf of Halliburton shareholders against Vice President Dick Cheney, the other involved directors of Halliburton, as well as Halliburton and the Arthur Andersen accounting firm, for alleged fraudulent accounting practices, enjoys overwhelming public support.

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