The Skinny On The Spider Goat

Although I just heard about the Spider Goat story yesterday for the first time, it turns out that Forbes had written a full story on it over a year ago. ABC News also covered the story in detail a while back.

(And here’s the poop straight from the source at Nexia Biotech.)

Here’s the Forbes story by Christopher Helman:
Charlotte’s Goat.

Nexia is tackling a materials-science conundrum that has stumped even DuPont for 20 years: how to synthesize spider silk. Milking the spiders themselves is out of the question

2 thoughts on “The Skinny On The Spider Goat

  1. Lee Helton

    What if two goats witht this gene mate? The offspring may not be too bad now, but later it could be a mutation. Eight legged goats that could be poisoness. We shouldn’t mix two completely different species. At least if we mix species keep it in classification. MAMMAL-MAMMAL INSECT-INSECT TREE-TREE. That’s what I mean. But spiders and goats? No.

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