On yesterday’s tragedy What we

On yesterday’s tragedy

What we have here is a situation. I don’t like calling it an act of war because that implies that there is a country somewhere that we can retaliate against. And that might not be the case.

We don’t know that this isn’t some outside party that no one has heard of yet. Maybe whoever is behind this has made their point and isn’t necessarily going to harm us any more, now that they’ve got our attention.

I am not condoning these acts of violence in any way, but I must admit that this experience has got me thinking about what it’s like to go about your daily activities when you no longer feel “safe” anymore. It’s hard to imagine going on like this for days much less years.

So I ask you a favor America: stay level headed. As the facts of the situation unfold, let’s not jump to any conclusions that could lead to punishing other innocents in an act of blind revenge. That would be an even greater tragedy.

For now the one way you can have a direct effect on saving the lives of human beings is to give blood. We’re going to need to step up our blood supply in order to have enough to assist the victims in New York and Washington DC and replenish our reserves.

The Red Cross website seems a bit overloaded, so I recommend using the telephone or phone book to locate your local donation center.

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