Party This Friday Night Nov 30 – Dinner Show At Ireland’s

Lyrics (below) –I just wanted to link to these two new songs, and let you know that I’ve got a party going on this Friday night at Ireland’s 32 in San Francisco.
I’ll be playing two sets starting at 7pm. Pizza gets there at 6:30. The party can go on for as long as we want afterwards, but the music will be over by 9 or so…
Ireland’s 32 is at 3920 Geary @ 3rd avenue – 415-386-6173.
I really like these new songs. “Dead Sunshine” was co-written with Devlon Duthie, while “Machines of Loving Grace,” my post-singularity song, was inspired by my dear friend Jamais Cascio — and inspired by the Richard Brautigan poem All watched over by machines of loving grace.
(And really also inspired by Paul Saffo’s talk at this year’s recent Singularity Summit. I went to the summit because Jamais was speaking — and it pretty much set my life on the strange and interesting new course I’ve been on ever since…)
Dead Sunshine
Words by Lisa Rein and Devlon Duthie
Music by Lisa Rein
Long few days
Time slips away
and the seagull on the starbucks sign
is daring me to cross that line
and i’m running away
Time slips away
You and me got one more day
and it’s burnt charcoal and dead sunshine
is all i got left in my mind
and I’m runnin away
Machines of Loving Grace
Words and Music by Lisa Rein
Inspired by Richard Brautigan’s
(All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace)
Can you see without a face
and your thoughts
will they be lost without a trace?
in our machines of loving grace
they’ll see the love that’s in
your face
can you see a time?
i can see it all in my mind
can we try to find a way?
with our machines of loving grace
they’ll see the love that’s in your face
and our machines of loving grace
will see the love
that’s in your face
in your face
your face