Financial Turmoil In Meatspace, Courtesy of Second Life

I’m thinking there’s got to be some kind of land grab coming on for the land that used to be occupied by all those gambling casinos. Does anyone know anything about this?
Or will the Linden gods just make all that land “go away?” 🙂
Meanwhile, in the real world,
one company’s IPO is in a shambles
, due to the turmoil on Second Life’s economy from the gambling ban:
Crisis in Second Life Financial Sector Deepens

I’m starting to really dig Reuters’ Second Life site.
(You can go there inworld, too.)

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
Crisis in Second Life financial sector deepens
Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:07am PDT
By Adam Reuters
SECOND LIFE, July 31 (Reuters) – A gambling ban, insider theft at the World Stock Exchange and a bank run on Ginko Financial have combined to threaten confidence in the integrity of the Second Life financial sector.
The amount of money spent in-world each day plummeted from nearly US$2 million on Thursday, when the ban went into effect, to US$1.1 million on Tuesday (see chart, right).
The virtual world