Tonight’s NOW Focuses On Political Bloggers

Just wanted to give you all the heads up that tonight’s NOW Broadcast on PBS features bloggers:
From an email sent to me:

Left-leaning political bloggers are determined to demonstrate their real world influence in the upcoming mid-term elections. But will they finally make political headway, or just more hype? On Friday September 15, at 8:30 pm (check local listings), NOW visits a major political blogging convention and examines the candidacy of surprising U.S. Senate primary winner John Tester of Montana to find out. The bloggers’ effect on Tester’s success is hard to accurately measure, but bloggers do take much credit for it and indeed made a strong push for his against-the-odds win.
“You have a couple million people reading liberal blogs…and they’re looking for ways to get involved. And they’re looking for ways to participate and take hold of their own democracy. And that is powerful,” says Markos Moulitsas, founder of one of the Internet’s most popular blogs, to NOW.
NOW meets the real people behind some of the Internet’s most opinionated and widely-read liberal blogs to find out if they can really move the political needle. Next time on NOW.
This week, the NOW website at features insightful web-exclusive commentary from blogging heavyweights Andrew Sullivan and Arianna Huffington. Also, in another web-exclusive, NOW’s Maria Hinojosa interviews journalist Maziar Bahari from his home in Tehran about what drives and hinders efforts to halt Iran’s nuclear ambitions. NOW also invites users to go “beyond the byte” with Election Insight 2006, a comprehensive political investigation tool.