4 thoughts on “Best MP3 Player – IPOD Wins – Hands Down

  1. Joe Buck

    Well, except for those of us who don’t use Windows or a Mac. For Linux users, the Rio Karma has a lot of advantages, though admittedly it’s not as cool-looking. At least the manufacturer isn’t regularly subtracting features from the product with every firmware release. As the good people at BoingBoing say, apparently Steve Jobs think that customers wake up each day thinking: how can I do less with my music today?

  2. joe

    I must bring up the fact that no other jukebox has been allowed by Apple to integrate with iTunes… players, like Rio, have had to find there own ways to get songs on and off of Macs. This is highly anti-competitive, and despite how much I want an iPod, I would rather support the competition, however inadequate. Not to mention the fact that Apple won’t let other vendors compete against the iTunes Music Store on the iPod platform using AAC (setting aside the fact that un-encumbered formats are clearly cooler!)
    Sorry to be a mini-scrooge about this… just need to bring it up! And, Lisa, keep on being the bloggin’ist mistress around…

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