Common Freaky Knowledge About The Affiliated Companies and People Behind Electronic Voting Machines (And The Processing Of The Votes By Those Machines)

Sure, you’ve heard all this information before. But it is pretty incredible. The foxes are guarding the hen houses big time.
from the google cache of

Diebold ranks third behind ES&S and Sequoia. Diebold manufactures an array of machines including ATM machines, ticket machines, and the like, and notably, only its voting machines fail to provide an auditable paper trail. CEO Wally O’Dell, a Bush Pioneer who has visited Bush at the Crawford Ranch, promised to deliver Ohio for Bush in 2004, and indeed he did. O’Dell sponsored a $600,000 fundraiser in his home for Dick Cheney (and attended by Cheney) in July 2003. Director WR “Tim” Timken is also a Bush Pioneer, and has donated over a million dollars to the Republican party since 1991.
Diebold is arguably the most political of the voting machine companies; its directors and corporate officers are staunch GOP contributors, including Louis Bockius III, Donald Gant and Eric Roorda. Since 2000, the company has donated $170,000 to the Republican National State Elections Committee. All of the $240,000 donated by Diebold’s directors and chief officers to political campaigns since 1998 has gone to GOP candidates or the party.
Admiral Bill Owens, a top Republican Party donor, military aide to Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary, is a former CEO of SIAC. On the board: Robert Gates, former CIA director, George H.W. Bush’s Deputy National Security Advisor and head of the George Bush School of Business. Owens and Gates are now on the Board of VoteHere, another voting machine company with strong ties to the defense industry.
Populex is responsible for Illinois’ e-voting system. Frank Carlucci, former CIA Director, is on its Advisory Board. Carlucci is a business partner of G H W Bush, and head of the Carlyle Group.
Spun off from Arthur Anderson in the wake of that nasty Enron scandal, Accenture reportedly has the exclusive government contract to provide electronic voting for the military. Accenture got into the voting biz when it acquired, a company funded by Saudi money. Accenture’s biggest business partner is Halliburton.

2 thoughts on “Common Freaky Knowledge About The Affiliated Companies and People Behind Electronic Voting Machines (And The Processing Of The Votes By Those Machines)

  1. Tracy Eckels

    Don’t forget about that tax loophole that was closed denying companies with offshore headquarters to do business with the military. As a result of that legislation dozens of companies lost their military contracts “EXCEPT ACCENTURE”, I wonder why.

  2. praetorian

    you need to get your facts straight… frank carlucci was never director of the CIA… he was only a deputy director, of which there are several… if you going to make shit up, then rename your blog “blurry radar” or something

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