The Deal With Provisional Ballots

The Republican spin doctors have done a bang up job clouding the issues surrounding Provisional Ballots.
Provisional Ballots are a good thing, not a bad one. They are the last fail safe to protect rightfully-registered voters from not having their votes counted.
The point is, if you show up for the wrong precinct, you can still be given a provisional ballot if you ask for one, that should be counted when voting administrators confirm your registration after closing time. (Yeah, the jury’s still out on how well these will be counted. Browne addresses this issue in the video clip.
There are some things you need to know about Provisional Ballots, Here’s a really great piece from Bill Moyers which explains all about Provisional Ballots. (I’ve also included the whole interview with Judith Browne, Senior Attorney for the Advancement Project. She explains the other forms of voter intimidation that her organization has filed lawsuits over.)

Judith Browne Explains Provisional Ballots

This is from the October 17, 2004 program of Bill Moyers NOW!
(I know the directory says Oct 29, but I just realized it now, and I don’t want to break the other links. So I’ll have to fix it later.)