My Server Got Boing Boinged Again

So as you may have figured out by now, I’ve got a smaller scale slashdot-effect going on here — a ““Boing Boing Effect,” if you will.
This is great as far as I’m concerned, because it allows me to test out the new server and figure out how to accomodate the bandwidth accordingly.
Mirrors help too, so I’m looking for folks to host single clips for me. I’m trying to make it so I have at least one mirror for each clip. (Interested parties will contact me I’m sure 🙂
I also discovered that much of my music site had become un-linked. So I’m fixing that now.
Fixed my 60 Minutes Archive too, so that stuff is back up in place. (Including Leslie Stahl busting Halliburton’s fake Caymans operation and the Shrub ex-Counterterrorism Zsar Richard Clark explaining why the Shrub can’t be trusted to protect our country if there’s oil revenue to be generated somewhere else.

8 thoughts on “My Server Got Boing Boinged Again

  1. Ross Olson

    I’m not sure why you are simply making all of your videos available via Bit Torrent. It would seem to be the perfect solution for reducing the load during those peak hits from BB, /. or wherever.

  2. chris

    Just a pat on the back for all of the great work you’ve done on this site. It’s been a truly great resource over the last few years. Keep up the great work.

  3. Micah

    Lisa I value your site for the Daily Show clips. It really is the best news on television, and it’s refreshing to hear some intelligent political commentary every now and again!
    I don’t have bandwidth to offer, but I’d be more than happy to donate my experience with UNIX in production environments (especially FreeBSD) to offset the cost of server management. I’m not sure what you’re running on (I thought it would be impolite to do a port scan when you don’t even know me ;D ) but I do work at a colocation facility down in San Diego so maybe I can be more help than you’d think.
    United Layer’s pricing looks pretty average, but if you drop me a note with the sort of service they’re providing you maybe I can let you know how good of a deal it is. One last thing though – you live in Friso right? So I imagine your not too far from your colo?

  4. joe

    as always, thanks for the clips!
    you should consider releasing them as bittorrent files, then you won’t get slammed, and the more people that download it, the faster subsequent downloads will be.

  5. ben

    hey lisa, thanks as always for the clips!
    Any chance you could put the daily show interview with Sasha Baron Cohen (aka Ali G) up on your site? I’m a huge fan of both Ali G and the Daily Show and missed that episode and can’t find the clip anywhere on line. It’s the first time he’s ever appeared out of character anywhere!
    Many thanks,

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