Wired On Howard Dean’s Internet Strategy

A nice little piece that tells us a lot of what we already know about Howard Dean’s Internet-savvy campaign. I’ll never get tired of reading about it 🙂

How the Internet Invented Howard Dean

Forget fundraising (though his opponents sure can’t). The real reason the Doctor is in: He listens to the technology – and the people who use it.
By Gary Wolf for Wired.

Neither policy nor pragmatism alone drove MoveOn to Dean; his key advantage was that his bloggers were already deeply interlinked with bloggers friendly to MoveOn. Dean’s network made it easy for his supporters to vote in the MoveOn poll, while offering MoveOn members an opportunity to influence the Democratic race, even if their own state’s primary was irrelevant. Participation, not policy, was key.
Joi Ito, founder of Neoteny, a venture firm, and former chair of Infoseek Japan, has joined a group of technologists advising Dean (others include Ross Mayfield, Clay Shirky, and Lawrence Lessig, also a regular contributor to Wired). After looking at a paper Ito and some of his colleagues have been working on called “Emergent Democracy,” I contact him to ask if he thinks there’s a difference between an emergent leader and an old-fashioned political opportunist. What does it take to lead a smart mob? Ito emails back an odd metaphor: “You’re not a leader, you’re a place. You’re like a park or a garden. If it’s comfortable and cool, people are attracted. Deanspace is not really about Dean. It’s about us.”

Here is the full text of the entire article in case the link goes bad:
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How the Internet Invented Howard Dean
Forget fundraising (though his opponents sure can’t). The real reason the Doctor is in: He listens to the technology – and the people who use it.
By Gary Wolf
It is 83 days before the Iowa caucuses, and I’m sitting at a small table on a private jet above Colorado getting a pure dose of Internet religion from Howard Dean. “The Internet community is wondering what its place in the world of politics is,” Dean says. “Along comes this campaign to take back the country for ordinary human beings, and the best way you can do that is through the Net. We listen. We pay attention. If I give a speech and the blog people don’t like it, next time I change the speech.”
The biggest news of the political season has been the tale of this small-state governor who, with the help of Meetup.com and hundreds of bloggers, has elbowed his way into serious contention for his party’s presidential nomination. As every alert citizen knows, Dean has used the Net to raise more money than any other Democratic candidate. He’s also used it to organize thousands of volunteers who go door-to-door, write personal letters to likely voters, host meetings, and distribute flyers.
Naturally, bloggers everywhere are thrilled. Even those who hate the candidate love the way the campaign is being managed. “I’d vote for SpongeBob SquarePants over Howard Dean,” writes Derek James in his political blog, Thinking as a Hobby. But Dean’s organization, James admits, is being run “in a very smart, very democratic way.” Bloggers are fascinated by Dean for philosophical and also parochial reasons. They feel they have a right to be proud. Dean has become the front-runner by applying their most cherished rules for attracting attention and building a social network on the Internet.
“We fell into this by accident,” Dean admits. “I wish I could tell you we were smart enough to figure this out. But the community taught us. They seized the initiative through Meetup. They built our organization for us before we had an organization.”
Meetup is a Web tool for forming social groups. In early 2003, Dean himself was lured to an early New York City meetup where he found more than 300 enthusiastic supporters waiting to greet him. Meetup quickly became the engine of Dean’s Internet campaign. Back then, the leading group on the site was a club for witches. Zephyr Teachout, Dean’s director of Internet outreach, describes sitting across from campaign manager Joe Trippi in the early weeks and hitting Refresh again and again on her Web browser. “I was obsessed with beating Witches,” she says. “Witches had 15,000 members, and we had 3,000. I wanted first place.”
Three thousand is a small number. But all campaigns depend on a feedback loop, and 3,000 passionate supporters who are connected via the Internet are influential in a way that an equivalent crowd would never be if you had to gather it via direct mail or a telephone survey. Dean’s Meetup members quickly recruited others, and by late March Dean had beaten Witches. Growth followed an exponential curve; Dean’s new supporters contributed money, his piles of money won respect from the media, and media attention pushed Meetup numbers higher. Most of the Democratic candidates who polled in the low single digits a year ago still poll in the low single digits. They never gained momentum. Dean’s early use of Meetup lowered the feedback threshold, just as a good supply of kindling makes it easier to light a fire. In the third quarter of 2003, Dean raised nearly $15 million – most of it in small donations – setting a one-quarter record for a Democratic candidate in a presidential race.
By mid-November, the Howard Dean group on Meetup would have more than 140,000 members, though Meetup would matter less. After demonstrating his fundraising prowess, Dean bagged endorsements from two of the country’s most powerful labor groups, the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.
But for today, the Internet remains the key engine of Dean’s election bid and he has yet to merge his grassroots movement with the traditional Democratic power structure. I’m here to learn more about what makes his Net campaign work.
I like Dean’s pugnacity, his antiwar stance, and the way he is challenging the timorous leaders of his party. A couple of months ago, before I took this assignment for Wired, I sent him a hundred bucks over the Web. But the Contribute button on Dean’s Web page hardly accounts for his dominance. One key to his online popularity is the harmony between his message and the self-image of the Internet community. “A lot of the people on the Net have given up on traditional politics precisely because it was about television and the ballot box, and they had no way to shout back,” he says. “What we’ve given people is a way to shout back, and we listen – they don’t even have to shout anymore.”
Dean has been reluctant to take a position on core Net issues like copyright law and peer-to-peer file-sharing. But that didn’t matter. The power of Dean’s campaign does not come from his appeal to Net users as an interest group but from a fateful concurrence of other forces: a strong antiwar message; a vivid, individualist candidate; a lucky head start with Meetup; an Internet-savvy campaign manager in Joe Trippi; and, most important, a willingness to let a decentralized network of supporters play a tactical role. With these assets, Dean gained a potent lead. The very structure of the networks his campaign has built – a structure that enhances the power of feedback – creates obstacles even for a rival flexible enough to challenge Dean on his own ground.
The intersection of political analysis and Internet theory is a busy crossroad of clich

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