Home Movies From Creative Commons Party – Craig Newmark, Willem Dakota Lessig and Friends

This is footage of Craig Newmark playing with Lawrence Lessig’s son, Willem, while in the arms of Justin Hall. (As filmed by me.)
Hey these aren’t prepared to stream over the Internet – you’ll have to download them to your hard drive!
The “complete” version also has some shots of the party.
This footage was pretty dark so I had to lighten it in Premiere to make it watchable.
Highlights include Craig flapping his arms like a chicken (part 1)!!

Craig and Willem 1 of 2
(Small – 9 MB)

Craig and Willem 2 of 2
(Small – 9 MB)

Craig and Willem and Party – Complete Clip
(Small – 32 MB)

Slightly higher res version of same clip
(Small – 44 MB)

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