9 thoughts on “Bush Sucks Movie From SFSU Students

  1. Joi Ito's Web

    Flash for expression

    I’ve been getting more and more email with links to flash animations. I’m going to have to try making my own flash animations again. What’s interesting is to think about flash in the context of creative commons and how people are sharing their tricks a…

  2. Joi Ito's Web

    Flash for expression

    I’ve been getting more and more email with links to flash animations. I’m going to have to try making my own flash animations again. What’s interesting is to think about flash in the context of creative commons and how people are sharing their tricks a…

  3. Joi Ito's Web

    Flash for expression

    I’ve been getting more and more email with links to flash animations. I’m going to have to try making my own flash animations again. What’s interesting is to think about flash in the context of creative commons and how people are sharing their tricks a…

  4. Brian King

    I laughed at this clip, but didn’t think it was the best of the up and comming moveon clips. Check out up to 20 a day at http://www.bushin30seconds/vote/
    I like alot of them and I laughed at a lot. I hope they find a good add that speaks to the public and isn’t too extreme.

  5. andrew berman

    Hello there:
    I recently came across your Bush Sucks site and have an idea……
    I am a screen printer and college student from Connecticut and am also anti Bush………
    I can use some money to pay off for school so I am thinking that I can print a bunch of Bush Sucks or STOP BUSH shirts……. create a little site such as http://www.knishe.com/BostonSUCKS.html
    create a banner… have you put it on your site and then give you a percetage of what is sold…..
    Let me know what you think.
    I hope to hear back from you soon.
    Andrew Berman

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