Kraft is using genetically-altered corn

Kraft is using genetically-altered corn and soybeans in its food products (particularly Tombstone Pizza and Stovetop Stuffing).

Take a deep breath, and then read:
Kraft Target Of Anti-Biotech Food Campaign,
by Deborah Cohen for the Environmental News Network

A coalition of green health-policy groups Wednesday called on Kraft Foods Inc., the largest North American food maker, to remove genetically altered ingredients from several of its popular products, including Tombstone pizzas and Stove Top stuffing.

The Washington-based coalition, called Genetically Engineered Food Alert, said an independent laboratory had tested several Kraft products and found they contained genetically altered corn or soybeans. The U.S. government has approved the use of the ingredients, but the coalition said they have not been adequately tested to determine their safety.

GE Food Alert is the same group whose findings in 2000 led to the recall of Kraft taco shells containing StarLink, a gene- spliced corn not approved for human consumption. The organization is also calling for mandatory labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which the government does not currently require.

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