Why Vote For Tom Ammiano Instead Of Gavin Newsom?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
Tom Ammiano explaining why he’s a better choice for Mayor
than Gavin Newsom. (Small – 4 MB)

What separates you from Gavin?
Well, I think there’s a class background that can’t be discounted. And, as with Matt, the number of years of legislative history. He’s pretty skimpy. He’s been on about as long as Gonzales, but he hasn’t really accomplished very much.
Also, he doesn’t get along with any of the Board members. He’s at war with most of them. It’s one thing to fight with people. We all do that. You want that in a democracy. It’s not “the Stepford Supervisors” by any means. But then there’s a time to put it aside and work in a common way. And I don’t see that with Newsome in any way. So, he gets elected Mayor and we’re going to have that wide gap again between Supervisors, elected by neighborhoods by the way, and a Mayor who does not like District Elections and wants to go backwards.
He’s supported by Feinstein. Feinstein wants to end District Elections. She’s not supportive of comperable work. She’s not supportive of police reform. So he, really, for a younger person, really does not represent the future. He represents the past and going backwards, and I think that’s a big difference.

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