Why Vote For Tom Ammiano Instead Of Matt Gonzales?

How I’m voting this Tuesday

This footage is from October 31, 2003.
Tom Ammiano explaining why he’s a better choice for Mayor than Matt Gonzales
. (Small – 5 MB)

What separates you from Matt Gonzales? A lot of people are on the fence about who they’re going to vote for, and I thought we could clear that up.
Well, a lot more years of experience. And legislative history. I know that sometimes people think “gee, legislative history” is a little boring. However, I come from this activist background. And then, when I was about 49, I took all the social justice issues I knew about and all the populist issues I knew about and put them together and got elected, and I’ve been enacting those for years.
Living Wage, District Elections, Environmental Issues, and I think that that’s a big difference.
Also, I taught school for 25 years, and I think that taught be a lot about not only the economy, but about the diversity in San Francisco, and the job market in San Francisco, and I’m very very supportive of public schools, and I have that hands on experience. And I have a kid, and my kid went to public schools.
So, you know, I think someone like Gonzales is going to find out that there ain’t no free lunch for anybody, and you just can’t coast on rhetoric and verbage or personality. You’re really going to have to prove that you’ve produced something other than a different voice…
I think my legislative history — the length of it, the social justice ground, the comprehensive and very wide wide number of issues I’ve dealt with over the years — I think that’s what people would like to see in a Mayor.

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