On the Agenda…

Okay, theoretically I should be offline doing homework today, before I teach in the afternoon, but by day’s end I reckon I’ll finally get to uploading the rest of those Foo clips and last night’s Daily Show with….(drumroll please) Henry Kissinger!
I was just telling a friend of mine last night how it was the Daily Show’s clip of Henry Kissinger fronting the 911 investigation that started it all. (Meaning what made me want to start my Daily Show archive.
I think it’s absolutely in-credible that Kissinger was on the Daily Show last night.
He’s got a book out he’s promoting, and I guess he figured if the Daily Show was good enough for Madeline Albright‘s book tour, it was good enough for him!
The Daily Show is really growing up 🙂 (and I can remember when it was just a young tike…)

One thought on “On the Agenda…

  1. Calista

    Would you be willing to post the “Bush vs. the Santa Cruz City Council” story from last night’s Daily Show also? I live in Santa Cruz, and apparently EVERYONE else in the city saw this story, laughed their asses off, and neglected to tape it! I would be in your debt forever!

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