Jennifer Granick In Jim Lehrer News Hour’s Wireless Story

Jennifer Granick, Director of the Stanford Center for Internet & Society was on The Jim Lehrer News Hour last week talking about wifi.
I’ve created clips for the whole segment, the whole segment in two parts, and Jennifer’s quotes (edited together). There’s also a little clip of firemen from the South San Mateo County Fire Department talking about how much wifi has helped them.
This is from the October 16, 2003 program.
Jennifer Granick On Jim Lehrer’s Wireless Segment (Small – 3 MB)
Jim Lehrer News Hour On Wireless – All (Small – 22 MB)
Jim Lehrer News Hour On Wireless – Part 1 of 2 (Small – 10 MB)
Jim Lehrer News Hour On Wireless – Part 2 of 2 (Small – 12 MB)
So. San Mateo Country Firemen talking about wireless helping them (Small – 2 MB)

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