Michael Moore In SF Today

Michael Moore is at San Francisco State in the Gym tonight at 7pm.
I’m going to try to make it, but I might not. I’ve got a ton of blogging and homework to do and my good camera is busted anyway, so it wouldn’t come out that good if I filmed it. And it’s kind of frustrating for me these days to go to events I can’t film. So I’ll probably skip it.
I have a feeling I’ll get to meet Mike in person someday anyway, if I’m patient (and do my homework, and eat my vegetables 🙂
Just wanted to make sure you knew about it.

2 thoughts on “Michael Moore In SF Today

  1. kev

    hey lisa..
    are you still going to store that Michael Moore Stuff For Me?
    My friend wants his server space back 🙂
    Good Luck meeting Mike!

  2. kev

    hey lisa..
    are you still going to store that Michael Moore Stuff For Me?
    My friend wants his server space back 🙂
    Good Luck meeting Mike!

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