Stephen Colbert Stands Up For The Shrub’s Consistent Iraq War-U.N. Policy

This is from the September 11, 2003 program.
This clip follows this one. (Watch it first. It will make the clip below a lot funnier.)
Stephen Colbert took the liberty of editing together numerous Shrub speeches in order to create a clip of him actually speaking the words that Rummy and Colin claim he’s been saying all along.
Stephen Colbert On The Shrub’s Consistent Iraq War-U.N. Policy (Small – 8 MB)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

3 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert Stands Up For The Shrub’s Consistent Iraq War-U.N. Policy

  1. Chris

    Thanks, Lisa for putting up all these amazing clips! My husband & I lose a lot of sleep staying up to watch the Daily Show and it’s great catching stuff again (or for the first time if we fall asleep first!). I sent my brother this URL b’c he missed this classic segment.
    Keep up the great service!!

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